Realme X50 Pro 5G

bladerunner | fourteen | Stable

Build Info

Release frequency: monthly

Requires custom recovery: Yes

Maintainer Info

Maintained by AAMIR ALI

Contact on Telegram

View on GitHub

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  • Bump to Matrixx 10.5.2
  • Switch to release keys (signed build)
  • KernelSU By default(Install apk)
  • KernelSU 0.9.4 Drivers Updated
  • OnePlus Dolby Added
  • Replace Dialer With Aosp
  • Enable Call Recording
  • Many more underhood changes
  • Improved system performance and stability


  • Synced with latest v10.4.2 source
  • Initial QPR2 Release
  • Fixed heating issue
  • Introduce REALME HUB (thanks to bigshot)
  • Add battery charging control
  • Many more underhood changes
  • Improved system performance and stability


  • Synced with latest v10.2.1 source
  • Improve Ram Management
  • Improve Battery Backup
  • Many more underhood changes
  • Improved system performance and stability


  • Synced with latest v10.1.2 source
  • Upstream Kernel v297
  • Improve Ram Management
  • Improve Battery Backup
  • Fixed Magisk bootloop
  • Fixed Wifi
  • Fixed volume mic for some social apps like snapchat , telegram, instagram etc
  • Add Updated ViperFX
  • Enable usb adb debugging by default
  • Many more underhood changes
  • Improved system performance and stability


  • Sync with latest MATRIXX source
  • Fixed UDFPS enroll radius
  • Back to old Haptic
  • Fixed some denial
  • Fixed lockscreen charging info
  • Nuke OpExtra[Temp]
  • Improved system performance and stability


  • Sync with latest MATRIXX source
  • NFC fixed
  • Enable SecureNFC feature
  • OPlusExtras Added back
  • Viper4FX Added
  • Enable blur effect Added
  • BCR call recorder Added
  • Switch to Google dialer/message
  • Facelock Added
  • Improve Haptic
  • Refresh rate QS tile Added
  • Peak/Min refresh rate switch Added
  • Enforce keymaster 4.1 to all targets
  • Add option to use fscompress for F2FS
  • Enable casefolding support on userdata
  • Add SSR files and prop to start ssr_setup
  • Set correct chained vbmeta to selected partition
  • Match vbmeta.img with stock
  • Set readahead_size_kb=128 to system and data
  • Use FUSE passthrough mode by default
  • Use metadata_csum for /metadata
  • Improved system performance and stability


  • Initial A14 build.
  • SeLinux - Enforcing.
  • Camera included by default
  • As always no issues with play integrity, so enjoy banking apps flawlessly.
  • Enjoy more added customizations.
  • Kernel SU supported-ksu.apk